
Mar 18 2019

Good Positive Monday

I have decided to try and post every night on my blog. Random stuff and thoughts, opinions and more. Today was a good day, still battling with sinus problems a bit. Just three days to go and then my BDay. Yay! My Sextrader is up and running again, with my latest pics that was taken a week ago (my sextrader link can be found on my Links page). My website has been updated as well as my profiles on other sites. Slowly things are picking up pace. I got another great review on my shemalewiki page (Many thanks to Yster and Teddybare2018), a good review always makes my day. Today I was sworn again by someone who wanted nude pics, I really dont get why some men are like that? Why be ugly to a escort when she refuses to do something, without payment? Those who have bought content from me has always received the product as agreed upon, and they know I can be trusted when selling content. Most of these agro timewasters are presumeably men who respond from the ads africa and locanto site. (Ads africa has gotten really messed up, for some reason I cannot post ads there anymore anyways. Regardless of what email, description, photo or no photo, area I try and post, it just doesn't work anymore. Some girls get to post, after a while their ads get deleted from the site anyways.) What are your thoughts about men swearing at escorts for not sending nude pics free of charge?